Los Abogados Hablan Espanol | Local 228-864-2200

Category: Uncategorized

Have You Been Injured In A Car Accident?

Car accidents can happen anytime and anywhere even to the safest drivers. You cannot control what careless or distracted motorists will do but you can take control of your life after a car accident. In Mississippi a written accident report must be filed with the police with 10 days if someone is hurt or the

Head, Neck and Back Injuries

Some of the most common personal injury cases are head, neck and back injuries. These cases can be difficult to prove and many insurance companies treat them with suspicion. They require attention to detail, medical knowledge and experience, which our attorneys at Hopkins, Barvie and Hopkins can provide for you. As your attorney we will

Mississippi Social Security Disability Claims

At Hopkins, Barvié & Hopkins, P.L.L.C., we represent people who suffer from mental or physical disability, or any combination of the two. We will assist you with all the necessary forms and petitions to receive the benefits you need. If you have worked long enough and have a medical condition that prevents or is expected

Distracted Driving is a Growing Problem

Distracted driving is any activity that could divert the vehicle driver’s attention away from driving which can cause accidents and unfortunately, sometimes loss of life. A distraction while driving can be visual, manual or cognitive. A few examples are texting, reading, talking on the phone, eating, an uncaged or unharnessed pet and putting on makeup

Construction and Industrial Accidents

There are many constructions sites along the Gulf Coast, which we are thankful for as they bring employment and economic growth for our community. In this month’s blog we want to discuss workers injuries, illnesses and fatalities on construction sites. First we wanted to share several statistics from 2012 with you: BLS (Bureau of Labor

Do you need professional legal assistance?